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Lansing, MI 48933

+1 (517) 373-5779

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The Michigan House of Representatives web pages are frequently updated and improved. This web site is provided as a public service by the State of Michigan. All information is provided for information purposes only; use of information is granted for non-profit use. New content will be added as it is available, and as such, information is subject to change without prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, the Michigan House of Representatives makes no guarantees of any kind.

The Michigan House of Representatives web site may contain information that is created and maintained by a variety of sources both internal and external to the Michigan House. The Michigan House of Representatives does not control, monitor or guarantee the information contained in these sites or information contained in links to other external web sites, and does not endorse any views expressed or products or services offered therein.

The linked pages maintained in relation to the Michigan House of Representatives web site are the sole responsibility of the users who have chosen to make information publicly available on the web. These pages and the opinions or information contained within are the creation of outside parties and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Michigan House of Representatives. Any content used should have a link to this disclaimer page along with the electronic mail address of the person(s) responsible for maintaining that particular section.